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[Steam] 네크로 스미스 243가지 조합법, 레시피 (Necrosmith)

Hoi_ 2022. 7. 20. 21:30

네크로스미스 Necrosmith 조합법 레시피 총정리

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네크로스미스 자원, 맵, 부품 획득에 관한 공략


[Steam] 네크로스미스 건물, 보스, 맵, 기초 공략 (NecroSmith)

데이터 마이닝이 아닌 개인적으로 플레이 하고 알아낸 정보를 정리 한 글 입니다. 혼자 플레이하며 모은 정보기 때문에 휴먼 에러로 틀린 정보가 있을 수 있습니다. 성채 업그레이드에 대한 공


스켈레톤 (Skeletons)


Skeleton head, Skeleton body, Skeleton legs


+ (Skeleton Saber x2) = Skeleton Rogue

+ Skeleton Saber + Skeleton Crossbow = Skeleton Bounty Hunter

+ Skeleton Saber + Skeleton wand = Skeleton Priest

+ Skeleton Saber + Skeleton Shield = Bone Warrior

+ (Skeleton Crossbow x2) = Skeleton Shooter

+ Skeleton Wand + Skeleton Crossbow = Skeleton Cultist

+ Skeleton Crossbow + Skeleton Shield = Skeleton Stormtrooper

+ (Skeleton Wand x2) = Skeleton Mage-expat

+ Skeleton Shield + Skeleton Wand = Skeleton Mage bodyguard

+ Skeleton Book + Skeleton Wand = Skeleton Apprenitce

Necrosmith Skeleton Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

갑옷입은 스켈레톤 (Armored Skeleton)


Skeleton head with Helmet, Skeleton body with Armor, Skeleton legs with Boots


+ Skeleton Armor and Crossbow + Skeleton Armor and Shield = Skeleton Guardian

+ Skeleton Armor and Saber + Skeleton Armor and Crossbow = Skeleton Assassin

+ (Skeleton Armor and Saber x2) = Skeleton Bandit

+ (Skeleton Armor and Crossbow x2) = Skeleton Ranger

+ Skeleton Armor and Saver + Skeleton Armor and Shield = Skeleton Soldier

+ (Skeleton Wand x2) = Skeleton Mage-renegade

+ Skeleton Wand + Skeleton Book = Skeleton Battlemage

+ Skeleton Armor and Saber + Skeleton Wand = Skeleton Paladin

+ Skeleton Armor and Crossbow + Skeleton Wand = Skeleton Inquisitor

Necrosmith Skeleton Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

스켈레톤 마법사 (Skeleton Mage)


Skeleton head with Magic hat, Skeleton body with Cloak, Skeleton legs


+ Skeleton Saber +Skeleton Crossbow = Skeleton Monsterhunter

+ (Skeleton Crossbow x2) = Skeleton Spy

+ Skeleton Saber + Skeleton Shield = Skeleton Wanderer

+ (Skeleton Saber x2) = Skeleton Battle monk

+ (Skeleton Book x2) = Skeleton Warlock

+ Skeleton Wand + Skeleton Book = Skeleton Mage

+ Skeleton Wand + Skeleton Shield = Skeleton Mage support

+ (Skeleton Wand x2) = Skeleton Sorcerer

+ Skeleton Wand + Skeleton Crossbow = Skeleton Witchhunter

+ Skeleton Book + Zombie Book = Bone Librarian

Necrosmith Skeleton Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

갑옷입은 스켈레톤 마법사 (Armored Skeleton Mage)


Skeleton head with Magic hat, Skeleton body with Cloak, Skeleton legs with Boots


+ Skeleton Armor and Saber + Skeleton Armor and Crossbow = Skeleton Witcher

+ (Skeleton Armor and Crossbow x2) = Skeleton Scout

+ Skeleton Armor and Saber + Skeleton Armor and Shield = Skeleton Cleric

+ (Skeleton Armor and Saber x2) = Skeleton Battlemonk

Skeleton Hidden Recipe

Skeleton head + Orc Skeleton body + Any Skeleton arms + Skeleton legs = Bastard Orc Skeleton

(Skeleton head + Body + Any arm + leg) + (Any Orc Skeleton arm + leg) = Skeleton Half-breed

Necrosmith Skeleton Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

좀비 (Zombie)


Zombie head, Zombie body, Zombie legs


+ (Zombie Sword x2) = Dead Rogue

+ Zombie Sword + Zombie Shield = Dead Warrior

+ Zombie Sword + Zombie Crossbow = Dead Bounty hunter

+ Zombie Crossbow + Zombie Shield = Dead Stormtrooper

+ Zombie Sword + Zombie Wand = Dead Priest

+ (Zombie Wand x2) = Dead Mage-expat

+ Zombie Wand + Zombie Shield = Dead Mage bodyguard

+ Zombie Wand + Zombie Book = Dead Apprentice

+ Zombie Crossbow + Zombie Wand = Dead Cultist

+ (Zombie Crossbow x2) = Deadshot

+ Any Zombie arm + Any Orc arm = Zombie Mutant

+ Any Orc arms = Dead Loogan

+ Werewolf arms = Wendigo

Necrosmith Zombie Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

갑옷입은 좀비 (Armored Zombie)


Zombie head with Helmet, Zombie body with Armor, Zombie legs with Boots


+ (Zombie Armor and Crossbow x2) = Dead Ranger

+ Zombie Armor and Sword + Zombie Armor and Shield = Dead Soldier

+ Zombie Armor and Sword + Zombie Armor and Crossbow = Dead Assassin

+ (Zombie Armor and Sword x2) = Dead Bandit

+ Zombie Armor and Crossbow + Zombie Wand = Dead Inquisitor

+ Zombie Armor and Sword + Zombie Wand = Dead Paladin

+ Zombie Wand + Zombie Book  = Dead Balttlemage

Necrosmith Zombie Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

좀비 마법사 (Zombie Mage)


Zombie head with Magic hat, Zombie body with Cloak, Zombie legs


+ Zombie Wand + Zombie Shield = Dead Mage support

+ (Zombie Wand x2) = Dead Sorcerer

+ Zombie Crossbow + Zombie Wand = Dead Witchhunter

+ (Zombie Book x2) = Dead Warlock

+ Zombie Wand + Zombie Book = Dead Mage

+ Zombie Sword + Zombie Shield = Dead Wanderer

+ Zombie Sword + Zombie Crossbow = Dead Monster hunter

+ (Zombie Crossbow x2) = Dead Spy

+ (Zombie Sword x2) = Dead Monk

+ Zombie Book + Skeleton Book = Dead Librarian

Necrosmith Zombie Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

갑옷입은 좀비 마법사 (Armored Zombie Mage)


Zombie head with Magic hat, Zombie body with Cloak, Zombie legs with boots


+( Zombie Armor and Crossbow x2) = Dead Scout

+ Zombie Armor and Sword + Zombie Armor and Shield = Dead Cleric

+ Zombie Armor and Sword + Zombie Armor and Crossbow = Dead Witcher

+ (Zombie Armor and Sword) x2 = Dead Battle monk

Zombie Hidden Recipe

(3 Skeleton Parts) + (3 Zombie Parts) = Half-rotten Dead

(Zombie head + Any Zombie arms + legs) + Orc body = Bastard Orc

(Zombie head + Body + Any Zombie arm + leg) + (Any Orc arm + leg) = Zombie Bantling

Vampire head + Zombie body + Any Zombie arms + legs = Ghoul

Zombie head + Body + Any Orc arm + Harpy Wing + Mantis leg + Lizard leg = Homunculus

(Zombie head + Body) + (Any Angel arms + legs) = Nephilim

Vampire head + Zombie body with Cloak + Zombie Wand + Zombie Book + Zombie legs = Lich

Necrosmith Zombie Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피


오크 스켈레톤 (Skeleton Orc)


Orc Skeleton head, Orc Skeleton body, Orc Skeleton legs


+ Orc Skeleton Throwing axe + Orc Skeleton Shield = Skeleton orc Ruffian

+ (Orc Skeleton Throwing axe x2) = Skeleton orc Axethrower

+ Orc Skeleton Mace + Orc Skeleton Throwing axe = Skeleton orc Cut throat

+ (Orc Skeleton Mace x2) = Skeleton orc Goon

+ Orc Skeleton Mace + Orc Skeleton Shield = Skeleton orc Warrior

+ Skeleton Book + Zombie Book = Bantling Mage Skeleton

+ (Skeleton Wand x2) = Bantling Expat Skeleton

+ (Zombie Crossbow x2) = Bantling Shooter Skeleton

Necrosmith Orcskeleton Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

갑옷입은 오크 스켈레톤 (Armored Skeleton Orc)


Orc Skeleton head with Helmet, Orc Skeleton body with Armor, Orc Skeleton legs with boots


+ Orc Skeleton Armor and Mace + Orc Skeleton Armor and Throwing axe = Skeleton orc Barbarian

+ Orc Skeleton Armor and Mace + Orc Skeleton Armor and Shield = Skeleton orc Chief

+ (Orc Skeleton Armor and Throwing axe x2) = Skeleton orc Berserk

+ (Orc Skeleton Armor and Mace x2) = Skeleton orc Cannibal

+ (Skeleton Armor and Crossbow x2) = Bantling Ranger Skeleton

+ Orc Skeleton Throwing axe + Orc Skeleton Shield = Skeleton Orc Raider

Orc Skeleton Hidden Recipe

(Orc Skeleton head + body + any arms) + Zombie legs = Bantling Shorty Skeleton

Necrosmith Orcskeleton Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

오크 (Orc)


Orc head, Orc body, Orc legs


+ (Orc Mace x2) = Orc Goon

+ Orc Throwing axe + Orc Shield = Orc Ruffian

+ (Orc Throwing axe x2) = Orc Axethrower

+ Orc Mace + Orc Shield = Orc Warrior

+ Orc Throwing axe + Orc Mace = Orc Cutthroat

+ Any Cyclops arms = Troll

갑옷입은 오크 (Armored Orc)


Orc head with Helmet, Orc body with Armor, Orc legs with boots


+ Orc Armor and Throwing axe + Orc Armor and Shield = Orc Raider

+ (Orc Armor and Throwing axe x2) = Orc Berserk

+ Orc Armor and Mace + Orc Armor and Shield = Orc Chief

+ Orc Armor and Mace + Orc Armor and Throwing axe = Orc Barbarian

+ (Orc Armor and Mace x2) = Orc Cannibal

Necrosmith Orc Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

Orc Hidden Recipe

(Orc body + Any arm + Leg) + (Orc Skeleton head + Any arm + Leg) = Half-rotten Orc

Cyclops head + Orc Parts = One-eyed Orc

Vampire head + Any Orc Parts = Orc Bloodsucker

(Orc head + Body) + (Any Lizard arms + Lizard legs) = Orc Mutant

(Orc head + Body + Any arm + leg) + (Lizard arm + leg) = Orc Half-breed

(Werewolf head + Arms) + (Orc body + Legs) = Orc Shifter

Necrosmith Orc Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

하피 (Harpy)

Harpy head + Harpy body + Harpy wings + Harpy legs = Harpy

Vampire head + Harpy body + Harpy wings + Harpy legs = Gargoyle

Cyclops head + Harpy body + Harpy wings + Harpy legs = Hag

Harpy head + Vampire body + Harpy wings + Vampire legs = Banshee

Harpy head + Harpy body + Draconid wings + Harpy legs = Dragon Harpy

강철 하피 (Steel Harpy)

Harpy head with Helmet + Harpy body with Armor + Harpy steel wings + Harpy steel legs = Harpy Warrior

Harpy head with Helmet + Angel body + Harpy steel wings + Angel legs = Valkyrie

Necrosmith Harpy Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

날개달린 시리즈 (Winged)

Zombie head + Zombie body + Harp wings  +Zombie legs = Scavenger

Vampire head + Vampire body + Harpy wings + Vampire legs = Nosferatu

Lizard head + Lizard body + Harpy wings + Lizard legs = Winged Lizard

Werewolf head + Werewolf body + Harpy wings + Werewolf legs = Chimera

Mantis head + Mantis body + Harpy wings + Mantis legs = Uterus

Lizard head with Helmet + Lizard body with Armor + Harpy steel wings + Lizard legs with boots = Winged Battle lizard

Cyclops head + Cyclops body + Harpy wings + Cyclops legs = One-eyed Monster

jǫtunn head + jǫtunn body + Harpy wings + jǫtunn legs = jǫtunn Scavenger

Mechanoid head + body + Harpy steel wings + Mechanoid legs = Drone

Necrosmith Winged Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

벰파이어 (Vampire)

Vampire head + Vampire body + Vampire arms + Vampire legs = Vampire

Harpy head + Harpy body + Vampire arms + Vampire legs = Brooks

Vampire head + Zombie body + Vampire arms + Zombie legs = Strigoi

Vampire head + Vampire body + Draconid wings + Vampire legs = Elder Vampire

Necrosmith Vampire Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

리자드맨 (Lizard man)


Lizard head, Lizard body, Lizard legs


+ Lizard Spear + Lizard Disc = Lizard Warrior

+ (Lizard Spear x2) = Lizard Hunter

+ Lizard Spear + Lizard Bomb = Lizard Rebel

+ (Lizard Bomb x2) = Lizard Grenadier

+ (Lizard Disc x2) = Olympian Lizard

+ (Draconid Wing x2) = Lizard Dragonwing

Necrosmith Lizardman Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

갑옷입은 리자드맨 (Armored Lizard man)


Lizard head with Helmet, Lizard body with Armor, Lizard legs with boots


+ (Lizard armor and Disc x2) = Disc-Thrower Lizard

+ Lizard armor and Bomb + Lizard armor and Spear = Saboteur Lizard

+ (Lizard armor and Spear x2) = Lizard Huntsman

+ (Lizard armor and Bomb X2) = Demolition Lizardman

+ Lizard armor and Spear + Lizard armor and Disc = Lizard Guardian

Lizard man Hidden Recipe

Draconid head + Lizard Parts = Lizard King

Necrosmith Lizardman Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

웨어울프 (Werewolf)

Werewolf head + Werewolf body + Werewolf arms + Werewolf legs = Werewolf

Werewolf head + Werewolf body + Werewolf arms + Demon legs = Satyr

Werewolf head + Werewolf body + Any Orc arms + Orc legs = Orc in the Skin of a werewolf

(Werewolf head + Werewolf body + Werewolf arm + leg) + (Vampire arm + leg) = Werewolf Halfbreed

Golem head + Werewolf body + Werewolf arms + Werewolf legs = Disarmed Werewolf

멘티스 (Mantis)

Mantis head + Mantis body + Mantis arms + Mantis legs = Mantis

Necrosmith Werewolf and Mantis Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

감염된 시리즈 (Infected)


Mantis head, Mantis arms


+ Zombie body + legs = Infected Zombie

+ Orc body + legs = Infected Orc

+ Harpy body + legs = Infected Harpy

+ Vampire body + legs = Infected Vampire

+ Lizard body + legs = Infected Lizard

+ Werewolf body + legs = Infected Werewolf

+ Cyclops body + legs = Infected Cyclop

jǫtunn body + legs = Infected jǫtunn

Necrosmith Infected Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

곤충류 시리즈 (Insectoid)


Mantis arms, Mantis legs


+ Zombie head + body = Insectoid

+ Orc head + body = Orc-Insectoid

+ Harpy head + body = Harpy Insectoid

+ Vampire head + body = Vampire-Insectoid

+ Werewolf head + body = Werewolf-Insectoid

+ Lizard head + body = Lizard-Insectoid

+ Treant head + body = Giant stick Insect

Necrosmith Insectoid Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

엔트 (Ent)


Treant head + Treant body + Treant legs


+Treant arms = Ent

+Treant arm + Treant arm with Beehive = Ancient Ent

+ Any jǫtunn arms = Great jǫtunn

Necrosmith Ent Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

키클롭스 (Cyclops)


Cyclops head, Cyclops body, Cyclops legs


+ (Cyclops Tree x2) = Cyclop Loogan

+ (Cyclops Boulder x2) = Siege Cyclop

+ Cyclops Tree + Cyclops Boulder = Cyclops

+ Any jǫtunn arm + Any cyclops arm = Cyclops Fighter

+ Any jǫtunn arms = Warrior Cyclop

+ Any Golem arm + Any cyclops arm = Cyclops Gladiator

+ Any Golem arms = Cyclop Wrestler

Cyclops Hidden Recipe

jǫtunn head + Cyclops body + (Cyclops Boulder x2) + Cyclops legs = Cyclop Veteran

Golem head + Cyclops Parts = Disarmed Cyclop

(Cyclops head + body + Any arm + leg) + (Any jǫtunn arm + leg) = Cyclop Half-breed

(Cyclops head + body) + (Elemental arms + legs) = Ifrit

Necrosmith Cyclops Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

요툰 (jǫtunn)


jǫtunn head, jǫtunn body, jǫtunn legs


+ jǫtunn Ice sword + jǫtunn Axe = Fighter jǫtunn

+ jǫtunn totem + jǫtunn Axe = Shaker jǫtunn

+ Any Cyclops arms = Thug jǫtunn

+ Any Golem arm + jǫtunn arm = Gladiator jǫtunn

+ Any Golem arms = Knight jǫtunn

Necrosmith Jotunn Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

갑옷입은 요툰 (Armored jǫtunn)


jǫtunn head with armor, jǫtunn body with armor, jǫtunn legs with armors


+ jǫtunn armor and Axe + jǫtunn armor and Ice sword = Destroyer jǫtunn

+ jǫtunn armor and Axe + jǫtunn armor and Totem = Crusher jǫtunn

jǫtunn Hidden Recipe

Cyclops head + jǫtunn body + Any jǫtunn arms + jǫtunn legs = Savege jǫtunn

Golem head + jǫtunn Parts = Tamed jǫtunn

(jǫtunn head + jǫtunn body + Any jǫtunn arm + leg) + (Cyclops arm + leg) = Halfblood jǫtunn

(jǫtunn head + Body) + (Treant arms + Legs) = jǫtunn Elder

Angel head + jǫtunn Parts = Asgardian

jǫtunn Parts + Elemental legs = Colossus jǫtunn

Necrosmith Jotunn Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

일리시드 (Illithid)


Illithid head, Illithid body, Illithid legs


+ Illithid Slave brain + Illithid Book = Illithid Indoctrinator

+ Illithid Book + Illithid Dreadstaff = God of Terror

+ (Illithid Slave brain x2) = Illithid Slaver

+ Illithid Slave brain + Illithid Dreadstaff = Illithid Oppressor

골렘 (Golem)


Golem head, Golem body, Golem legs


+ (Golem Gun x2) = Golem Fighter

+ Golem Gun + Golem Saw = Golem Warrior

Necrosmith Illithid and Golem Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

Golem Hidden Recipe

Elemental head + Golem body + Elemental arms + Golem legs = Failed Prototype

Golem head + Mechanoid Rocket body + Golem Gun + Golem Saw + Mechanoid legs = Prototype 1

Golem head + Golem body + Golem Gun + Mechanoid Gun + Golem legs = Prototype 2

Golem head + Golem body + Golem Gun + Mechanoid Lightsaber + Golem legs = Prototype 3

Mechanoid Laser head + Golem body + Golem Gun + Golem Saw + Golem legs = Prototype 4

Golem head + Mechanoid Rocket body + Golem Gun + Golem Saw + Golem legs = Prototype 5

Golem head + Golem body + Golem Gun + Mechanoid G.Launcher + Golem legs = Prototype 6

Mechanoid head + Golem body + Golem Gun + Golem Saw + Golem legs = Prototype 7

Mechanoid head + Mechanoid body + Golem Gun + Golem Saw + Golem legs = Prototype 8

Mechanoid Flame head + Golem body + Golem Gun + Golem Saw + Golem legs = Prototype 9

Necrosmith Prototype Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

악마 (Demon)


Demon head, Demon body, Demon legs


+ Demon Whip + Demon Kusarigama = Demon Torturer

+ Demon Whip + Demon Orb = Demon Invader

+ Harpy wings = Demon Incubus

+ Elemental arms = Hellfire Demon

Demon Hidden Recipe

Angel head + Demon body + Demon arms + Harpy legs = Demon Succupus

(Demon head + Body + Any arm + Leg) + (Angel Any arm + Leg) = Demon Halfbreed

Necrosmith Demon Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

천사 (Angel)


Angel head, Angel body, Angel legs


+ Angel Sword + Angel Glaive = Avenging Angel

+ (Angel Sword x2) = Angel Punisher

+ Draconid wings = Seraphim

Angel Hidden Recipe

(Angel head + Body + Any arm + Leg) + (Demon arm + Leg) = Angel Halfbreed

Necrosmith Angel Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

드라코니드 (Draconid)

Draconid head + Draconid body + Draconid arms + Draconid legs = Draconid

(Draconid head + Body) + (Harpy wings + Legs) = Wyvern

(Draconid head + Body) + (Harpy steel wings + Steel legs) = Battle Wyvern

Draconid Parts + Lizard arms = Lizard God

Necrosmith Draconid Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

엘리멘탈 (Elemental)

Elemental head + Elemental body + Elemental arms + Elemental legs = Elemental

(Elemental head + Body) + (Any Treant arms + Legs) = Fire Ent

(Elemental head + Body) + (Draconid wings + Legs) = Salamander

(Elemental head + Body) + (Any Angel arms + Legs) = Spirit of Fire

Necrosmith Elemental Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

메카노이드 (Mechanoid)

Mechanoid head + Mechanoid body + (Mechanoid Lightsaber x2) + Mechanoid legs = Mechanoid Stormtrooper

Mechanoid Flame head + Mechanoid body + (Mechanoid Flamethrower x2) + Mechanoid legs = Burner

Mechanoid head + Mechanoid Rocket body + (Mechanoid G.Launcher x2) + Mechanoid legs = Demolition Mechanoid

Mechanoid Laser head + Mechanoid body + Mechanoid G.Launcher + Mechanoid Gun + Mechanoid legs = Terminator

Necrosmith Mechanoid Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

불구자 시리즈 (Cripple)

일반 생명체 조합에 메카노이드 다리 하나를 더해 완성하는 히든 레시피


Any Zombie parts + Mechanoid leg = Zombie Cripple

Any Orc parts + Mechanoid leg = Orc Cripple

Any Lizard parts + Mechanoid leg = Cripple Lizard

Any Vampire parts + Mechanoid leg = Vampire Cripple

Any Cyclops parts + Mechanoid leg = Cyclop Cripple

Any jǫtunn parts + Mechanoid leg =  jǫtunn Cripple

Necrosmith Cripple Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

사이보그 시리즈 (Cyborg)

일반 생명체 조합에 메카노이드 팔 다리를 붙여 만드는 히든 레시피


(Zombie head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg

(Orc head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Orc Cyborg

(Harpy head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg Harpy

(Vampire head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg Vampire

(Werewolf head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg Werewolf

(Lizard head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg Lizard

(jǫtunn head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg jǫtunn

(Draconid head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg Draconid

(Demon head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms) + Demon Legs = Cyberdemon

(Angel head + Body) + (Any Mechanoid arms + Legs) = Cyborg Angel

Necrosmith Cyborg Recipe 네크로스미스 조합법 레시피

공략용 추천 조합법

Angel head + Draconid body + (Illithid Dreadstaff x2) + Mantis legs

체력은 약해서 AI에게 맡기면 금방 죽어버리지만 유저가 직접 컨트롤하면 최종 몹들과 건물도 순식간에 쓸어버리는 강력한 조합법 입니다.

유니크한 재료들이 들어가므로 만들기 쉽진 않을 수 있지만 게임 중반부 보스 몬스터들을 잡아 재료를 착실히 모은다면 이후 후반부 게임이 한 결 수월해집니다.

이후 10기 이상을 한 번에 뭉치게 뽑아놓으면 스토리 최종 부분의 몬스터 러쉬도 수월하게 막을 수 있습니다.

물론 AI가 워낙 멍청해서 까딱하면 몰살당하지만 그럼에도 황금 레시피의 최종, 최강 조합인 메카노이드 조합 보다도 더 강력하기 때문에 게임 공략에 유용한 조합이라 할 수 있습니다.

여유가 있다면 다리 부분을 메카노이드 다리로 하는것도 좋습니다.

22.07.29일 패치로 AI가 매우 똑똑해져서 훨씬 강력해진 조합입니다.

세워두고 성채를 지키는 플레이보단 계속 움직이게끔 해주는게 더 좋습니다.

성채는 튼튼한 메카노이드로 지키고 이 조합으로 다가오는 유닛들을 정리해주면서 유저가 직접 조종하는 유닛으로 적 은신처를 부수고다니면 깔끔하게 게임 공략이 가능합니다.

네크로스미스 추천 조합 NecroSmith
